Puzzle This

♠ 9 8 6 4
A 3
A K Q 5
♣ K Q 7
♠ K 7 2
K J 6
8 7
♣ J 10 9 8 4

You (South) are declarer in 3NT after this auction:

West North East South
1 Pass 1NT
Pass 2NT Pass 3NT
All Pass

West leads the 4. What’s your plan?

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If you got careless and/or greedy by playing low from dummy at trick one, down you’ll go. Say you win the opening lead in your hand with the J and attack clubs to drive out the ace. The defense may hold up to the third round, and you’ll have no way back to your hand to enjoy the long clubs!

It’s critical to foresee this at trick one and win the opening lead with dummy’s ace. Now when you dislodge the ♣A, you can still get to your hand via the K.

♠ 9 8 6 4
A 3
A K Q 5
♣ K Q 7
♠ A 5 3
Q 9 5 4 2
J 4 2
♣ 6 3
♠ Q J 10
10 8 7
10 9 6 3
♣ A 5 2
♠ K 7 2
K J 6
8 7
♣ J 10 9 8 4

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