Mike's Bidding Quiz


What about responding to takeout doubles?

Are there some guidelines?

In previous articles on takeout doubles, the problems of the doubler were discussed. By now you know that a good takeout double auction requires good judgment from both sides of the table. The takeout doubler must choose his moments wisely, and his bidding on subsequent rounds also must be accurate. The takeout doubler has many opportunities to make a mess of the bidding.

The responder has equal responsibilities. He must determine if he has a minimum, invitational or strong hand — and then he must find the proper bid. Often, after a takeout double, everyone gets busy. If so, the responder to the takeout double may have to find a second bid as well.

We start with quizzes this week and next. I suggest you get your favorite partner to answer these with you. Knowing what your partner thinks is almost as important as what you think. You would like to be in agreement. This is the auction on which the first five questions are based. You are South.

West North East South
1 Dbl Pass ?

1. ♠ J 7 6 3   8 7   9 8 3   ♣ J 10 7 3

See Mike's Advice

This is an easy 1♠ bid. The point of it is to show just how little you can have when you bid 1♠. When you have better hands of six or seven points you will learn to recognize that they are way better than they might have been.

2. ♠ A J 7 4   7 6 3   Q 10   ♣ 9 7 6 2

See Mike's Advice

Bid 1♠. This is a nice hand relative to what you might have when you bid 1♠. If your partner invites you to go further, you should realize that this is a good hand given your bidding, and you should continue.

3. ♠ Q 8 7 6 2   A 8 7 3   Q 8  ♣ 9 3

See Mike's Advice

Finally, a hand worth more than a minimum response. You have only 8 high-card points, but you have a fifth spade, you have some distribution, and your two queens are in suits your partner is asking for. Either of these queens could turn out to be a very big deal. Note that a 2♠ response does not promise a five-card suit.

4. ♠ 7 4 3   8 7 4   Q 7 3   ♣ Q 8 7 3
See Mike's Advice

Bid 2♣. This is a poor hand, but it does have two queens in suits partner is asking for. This is not a hopeless hand.

5. ♠ 7 6 2   Q 7 2   8 2   ♣ K J 8 7 2
See Mike's Advice

Bid 2♣. 1NT is a possible bid, but remember that partner is not looking for notrump. He is looking for a suit contract. If he has a big enough hand to look for notrump, he will bid again over 2♣. In fact, this is a pretty good 2♣ bid. Anytime you have a decent five-card suit you should be pleased with your hand.

West North East South
1 Dbl Pass ?

6. ♠ A 7 3   9 8 2   9 2  ♣ A J 9 8 6

See Mike's Advice

Bid 3♣. Lazy players do not remember to make this jump response. You could have a point or two more. 3♣, because it is a minor suit, tends to promise a five-card suit and you have 9 very good points. With this hand, you hope partner can get to 3NT.

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