Back Up the Bold Bidding

♠ K Q 5
Q 9 4
K 6 4
♣ A 10 7 4
♠ A J 9 8 3
A J 8 3
♣ K Q 6
West North East South
1♣ 2 2♠
Pass 3♠ Pass 4♣
Pass 4 Pass 4NT(1)
Pass 5♠(2) Pass 6♠
All Pass

1. Roman Key Card Blackwood
2. Two key cards and the ♠Q

Unfazed by East’s weak jump overcall, you pressed just a little to bid the slam after partner supported your spades.

West starts with the 2, confirming that hearts are 6-3. What is your plan for earning plus 980 on this board?


After winning the first trick with the A, declarer drew four rounds of trumps, throwing a low heart from the dummy, while East also parted with hearts. Next, declarer cashed the ♣K and ♣Q, then led a club towards the dummy. West had to throw a heart. Otherwise, declarer would have played the A, K and another diamond to set up a long diamond for his 12th trick. At this point, declarer counted West for an original 4=3=4=2 shape and deduced that West had one heart and four diamonds remaining. With that in mind, South ruffed a heart and played a diamond to the king and a low diamond toward his hand, intending to cover East’s card cheaply. When East produced the 9, declarer covered it with the jack. West won with the queen, but then had to lead from the 10 into declarer’s A-8. Note that if West had followed to the clubs with three low cards and East with two low ones, declarer intended to rise with the ♣A. In that case, if East had held the ♣J, declarer would have cashed the ♣10 and taken the diamond finesse for an overtrick. If, instead, it turned out that West still held the ♣J, his original distribution would have been 4=3=2=4. In that case, declarer would have made certain of three diamond tricks by cashing the A and K before leading a low diamond towards his J-8 .

The full deal:

♠ K Q 5
Q 9 4
K 6 4
♣ A 10 7 4
♠ 10 6 4 2
7 5 2
Q 10 5 2
♣ 9 5
♠ 7
K J 10 8 6 3
9 7
♣ J 8 3 2
♠ A J 9 8 3
A J 8 3
♣ K Q 6

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