Weekly Bridge Quiz

Goren Bridge

Bob Jones

  1. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ 3
    Q 2
    A 9 7 6 4
    ♣ K 9 6 4 3

    West North East South
    2 Dbl Pass ?

    What call would you make?

    Even if 4NT showed both minors, this hand is not good enough for that bid. The best you can do is bid 3 and hope you get another chance to bid.
  2. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold::
    ♠ A 8 4 2
    K 10 4
    K 9 2
    ♣ K 7 4
    Right-hand opponent opens 1♣. What call would you make?
    We want 14 points before making a takeout double with this distribution. This hand, with all prime cards and a couple of good intermediates, just makes the grade. Double.
  3. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ A J 5 3
    Q 10 5
    Q 4
    ♣ 10 9 8 4

    North East South West
    1 Pass 2 Pass
    2♠ Pass ?

    What call would you make?

    Bid 3♠, which accepts the invitation and promises four cards in the spade suit. Partner doesn’t need four of them to bid 2♠, but he might have four. Let him choose.
  4. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ A J 9 7
    A K Q J 5
    A 6
    ♣ 10 7

    South West North East
    Pass 1♠ Pass

    What call would you make?

    Assuming you play splinter bids, a jump to 4♠ shows 18-19 with no singleton ~ perfect. Make the same bid if you don’t play splinters. It just isn’t as meaningful.
  5. North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ Q J
    A 8 5 4 3 2
    K J 9
    ♣ 10 2
    As dealer, what call would you make?
    The QJ doubleton is a potentially big flaw. It is close between 1 and 2. We like 1.
  6. East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
    ♠ A Q J 4
    A 8 5 4 2
    7 2
    ♣ A 9
    As dealer, what call would you make?
    Should you open 1, this hand isn’t good enough for 2♠ over a likely response of 1NT. Open 1NT. It isn’t perfect, but it shows your points and semi-balanced shape.

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