Test Your Play

1. Matchpoints

♠ J 9
K Q 4 2
7 4 3 2
♣ A K 4
♠ A 8 7 2
A 7 5 3
♣ J 8 6 2
WEst North East South
1 Pass 1
1♠ 2(1) Pass 4
All Pass

(1) Four hearts.

West leads the K. Plan your matchpoint play.


The declarers who made an overtrick played like this: They won the A (nice play), crossed to a club, ruffed a diamond, crossed to a club, ruffed a diamond, played the A K Q discarding a spade, and led a club toward the jack.

East – who happened to have ♣Q 9 x x – won the club, cashed a diamond (diamonds were 4–4), and then led a spade. Declarer won with the ace and pitched dummy’s last spade on the ♣J. They wound up losing one club and one diamond. Tie for top! Bridge is such an easy game.

2. IMPs

♠ K 10 5 3 2
A K 5 3
♣ K Q J
♠ 4
A K J 10 9 5 4
10 7
♣ 8 6 2
WEst North East South
1♠ Pass 2(!)
Pass 2NT(1) Pass 4
All Pass

(1) Shows extras.

Opening lead: ♣A.

East plays the 10. West continues with the ♣4, and East plays the ♣9. How do you continue, and be specific.


The danger is that West has led a doubleton club holding Q x x x. Your answer is to play the A K: If hearts are 3–2, the most you can lose is a heart, a spade and a club.

If East has four hearts, you should be safe. Drive out the Q, and if East wins and returns a diamond, win in dummy and lead the ♠K. Only if West has the ♠A and East a singleton diamond or a doubleton club can you go wrong.

The more likely scenario finds West with four hearts to the queen. Now if you exit with a high heart, West wins, puts East in with a spade and gets a club ruff, the setting trick.

There is a possible way out. After winning the A K, play the A K and another diamond. If East shows out on the third diamond or plays the lowest outstanding diamond (meaning that West will win the trick), discard a spade, their lifeline to getting a club ruff.

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