Retro Edition

Matchpoints. Both vulnerable.
♠A K 8 6 5 3   6 4  —  ♣J 8 7 42

West North East South

What’s your call?

1♣ 1 1 1♠ 1NT
2♣ 2 2 2♠ 2NT
3♣ 3 3 3♠ 3NT
4♣ 4 4 4♠ 4NT
5♣ 5 5 5♠ 5NT
6♣ 6 6 6♠ 6NT
7♣ 7 7 7♠ 7NT
Redbl Pass
Click to reveal awards
Bid Award
2♠ 100
1♠ 50
Pass 20
3♠ 20
4♠ 0
August Boehm, Larry Cohen, Mel Colchamiro, The Coopers, Allan Falk, The Gordons, The Joyces, Betty Ann Kennedy, Mike Lawrence, Jeff Meckstroth, Jill Meyers, Barry Rigal, Steve Robinson, Kerri Sanborn, Don Stack, The Sutherlins, Karen Walker, Bridge Baron
2♠ is the majority choice.

Boehm: “2♠ . Modern.”

“2♠ ,” says Rigal. “No problem here. So long as our spades are good, we can show the 6–5 by jumping to 4♠ over the 2NT relay. Easy-peasy.”

Ditto Meyers. “2♠ , and I would bid clubs later if the opportunity arose.”

Ditto the Joyces. “2♠ . Seems automatic.”

“2♠ ,” agrees Lawrence. “Hate to let this one go. I really want to be heard early rather than later.”

Walker: “2♠ . It will be impossible to accurately show this hand later, so I might as well start misdescribing it now. The loser count suggests a three-level preempt, but that feels very dangerous.”

No surprise to find Meckstroth choosing to live dangerously. “3♠. Too much playing strength to open 2♠. If we belong in clubs, it won’t work well.”

Sanborn: “3♠. This is a matter of style. Depending on the partnership, one could open 2♠, 3♠ or pass. Against the preempt is missing a fitter in clubs, which could be the key for game or slam; but working for the 3♠ opening is getting the lead in and starting the auction at a higher level.”

The Coopers were split. “1♠. We prefer to open one with low loser count hands that have three defensive tricks. (Kitty would open three.)”

The Gordons: “1♠. It is our style to open 4♠ with this hand type, but in this case, our suits, combined with the vulnerability, suggest a more cautious approach.”

Colchamiro, too, cites playing strength as his reasoning for opening 1♠. “Sue me! Too strong for 2♠, and 3♠ is too committal.”

Robinson: “1♠. Too strong for 2♠. Don’t want to open 3♠, so 1♠ is left. I will regret this action if partner has the red suits.”

Cohen: “1♠. Too good for a preempt and it’s just not me to pass.”

The lone (human) passer — Giragosian — is still hoping the auction gets back around to him.

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